1. The Evangelism Ministry 

This is the evangelistic wing of the Church. It meets on Thursdays.
This Ministry undertakes gospel rallies, crusades, conventions, house-to-house evangelism, and other forms of evangelism, etc.
These include preaching, witnessing, winning and discipling souls, and encouraging church members to participate in the programmes and activities of the Church and to further expose them to the various ministries within the Church. It affords members of the Church the opportunity to plan and organize programmes and activities for evangelism in villages, towns and cities and other specialised evangelism- related ministries.
It also carries out counseling sessions and ministers to prisoners and Rastafarians, emerging religious groups, the physically challenged, drug addicts, politicians and in hospitals; organises beach and any other specialised areas of evangelism.
The Evangelism Ministry currently has E???? as its Director and Ev??????? as Deputy Director.

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