
The last words of anyone are important but, when those last words come from a King and especially when they come from the King of Kings, one should take them seriously. The last instruction that Jesus gave His disciples was essentially one word – GO! That is and has always been the heartbeat of God. God sent His son – Jesus sent the Holy Spirit – He sends us – to a world that needs to hear the good news that there is purpose and hope in this world and the next. With that in mind. We believe that those who have never heard need at least one opportunity to hear what we hear every week – that Jesus loves us

Take a moment to familiarize yourselves with the missionaries on this page. Get to know what they do and where they do it. Pray that God will protect and provide for them. And give what you can financially.

Every society is destined to face the problems of looking after the welfare of the sick, the weak, the destitute and the needy. All societies are alike in this respect. We have intent to look after the deserving people and will work of welfare.  One way of assessing the status of a society on the road to civilization is the value accorded to an individual and his basic human needs. These have not always received the attention they deceptive in the planning of economics, particularly in developing countries. Most of the available resources are consumed by defense needs and pressing demands for technological progress. Thinking about these problems we comes together to drag out people from these serious problems.  Our Mission is very clear in this regard “serve, serve and serve to all the nations”.

                                                                  Our Philosophy:

  To foster downtrodden & deprived human beings for enabling them to cope up with their needs.  Our main mission is to create environment of love, peace, harmony and sustainable development among the people of all walks of life.

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