Widows Help

A Glance on Widow Life:

There is a large quantity of widows in the world, yet their problems are often ignored. Today, I want to share my aspiration with you. I think there is a way to break the silence of their suffering; we should support them to play an active role in building their families and their communities.

Widows all over the world are a particularly vulnerable group subject to much prejudice.

 Allow me to challenge a few stereotype. When I talk about the world's millions widows, I am not talking about elderly women. All across the world, widows are often women in the prime of life, young women who are left as sole careers for their children, alone responsible for their shelter, food, schooling and wellbeing. Positive steps have been taken in some parts of the world to address this situation, but there is still a long way to go.
Cause Of Leaving School:
So many widows still live in extreme poverty. In many cases, their children have to leave school to go to work to plug the gap in the household income left by their father's death; their daughters, in particular, are therefore often at a high risk of sexual exploitation. Worldwide, millions children of widows live in hostile environments, and millions of these children die before the age of five. Widows' poverty, depriving their children of aspiration, education and future employment, affects the whole of society. It is a humanitarian crisis.

Today, we must ask ourselves what is to be done to tackle this issue. Supporting widow’s catalyses a developmental multiplier effect: as women gain knowledge, children learn. As women become employed, economies grow. As women are given equality, nations become stronger, and justice and equity across the board become attainable. It impacts directly on poverty, their children's education, gender equality, child mortality, maternal health and on the spread of HIV/Aids.

My Believe:

 I believe that families are the glue that holds societies together; they create strong foundations on which to build, and they are the structures that help economic growth filter throughout the whole of society. Supporting widows strengthens society's human issue, keeping families strong even when they are broken by the death of a loved one.

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  1. God Bless you.
    It is a Good work in the name of Jesus
